First of all...what is an Online Landscape Designer? I won't confuse you be stating all the things he or she could be! I'll just get right to the heart of what one should be and what the advantages of using one are.
She/he is one who provides Landscape designs via drawings to people who generally live outside of her work area. If you are concerned about getting a Landscape design this way, don't be. Here are some questions and/or concerns some people might have and my answers.
1. What are the fees for an Online Landscape Designer compared to a local Designer?
The design fees are typically less expensive. There is no travel time involved and so you will not be paying additional for travel hours. In addition, there is information that you will be providing which the Designer does not have to spend time getting on his/her own.
2. How can a Designer who does not visit the site provide an accurate and professional design?
The person you hire to provide your Online design should have the necessary experience to be able read photos correctly. Yes, you should be sending the Designer photos of your property from many angles.
The Designer should ask for and receive a survey of your property. This will have the footprint of your house, property borders, hardscape and any township restrictions. If additions have been made since the survey was done, you will need to provide this information if it will impact the design.
If no survey is available, then you should attain any measurements and information requested. For steep grade changes, topographical information may also be requested and necessary.
Once the Designer has the accurate information, the methods of designing will be the same as if she visited the site.
3. What type of drawing will I receive?
The drawing may be a large blueprint done with design software such as AutoCad. As an interim, or even final drawing, the Designer may choose to send you a PDF file which can be read right on your computer. This is typically smaller in size than a drawing, but sometimes it is all that is needed depending on the size of the project.
If the drawing is a 3D design done in a program such as Sketchup, you may choose to download software which will enable you to open the drawing. Otherwise, the Designer can convert the 3D design into JPEG photos and send them to you.
4. How will changes be handled?
The same way they would be addressed if you were working with a local Designer. The Designer must have good communication skills so that she can explain the design to you and/or answer any questions you may have. Changes to the design can then be made accordingly.
5. Should I really choose an Online Designer?
It depends. If you find a Landscape Designer Online that you feel is in sync with your tastes and you love his or her work, then definitely. As long as the Designer is a talented professional, there should be no difference.